
Logged in as : Guest
Guild : Guildless

We have 7 Players
in our Database
Players Online : 5

Players Online
We have 7 Players
in our Database
Players Online : 5

» We have 7 Players
in our Database
» latest Player: MorganKell
» Our 7 Player have a total Power of 173535984

Our ToDo List
  • Who has which Gear and how much Power is the Gear given? Screenshots from the Gear, selectable, Screenshots with max Power from the Gear.
  • Making a searchable Gearcompendium. Thanks to Hikiko
  • Switching to another SVN Server in our Homelab to get more Features. Making it more easier to handle the Versions
  • Making a Hero Biographie.
  • Making a Compendium of all your Heroes in PDF. As a downloadable File
  • Creating the Side with Multistyles. You can choose your preferred Style in your Profile
  • Creating the Revolution Theme for the HotD Database Script
  • Comparing a Hero with a Hero from other Player. It can be enabled / disabled in your Profile
  • Userprofiles
  • Avatar
  • Compare Heroes Yeah, it's allready done :-)
  • Creating a STATS Site where you can see all relevant facts.
  • Show all Heroes
  • Show all Heroes in Team order
  • Show all Hereos in Class and Race Order
  • Multiteams for the Heroes, Hard Work in Progress :-)
  • Show Heroes in Special Order. Sorting Top X (Where X is a Number of your Choice) If you don't set one, all Heroes will be display on the Resultpage
  • showing no Sort Links after Select Show Race,Class or Team
  • Correct Naming of the Skills / abilitys
  • Creating a new Player Account with message for the Admin(s)
  • Creating the admin Side for Unlock the new Player Account
  • Discussion Boards. Just a discussion area for all Player to talk about heroes, teams, the pros and consAllready Done by creating a Forum. See the Link at the Bottom in the Menue
  • Creating a session class for securing the areas
  • integrate a SQL Abstracting Layer for better perforance
  • Integration of the Smarty Template Engine for better separation of the php code from the html code
  • Creating a IMPrint
  • Sorting Bug : After Editing a Hero the Sort order was scrambled. Was not sending the sort order.FIXED.Thanks to Hikiko
  • Create Value Table on the Fly by clicking on the Hero in the Heroes Overview. Thanks Hikiko for the Inspiration
A few personal words on our behalf
Last but not least I would like to thank some people :

First of all : Hikiko, thank you for your support and for your ideas and kicking me sometimes in the right direction.
Without you I would never have thought of starting this project <3

Nyx and Diablo: It's great that we can be part of your guild.I'm proud of our Guild.

And of course all the other members of the Fomorians.Zombie, Doom, Snickerdoodles and all the other crazy guys.
We rock the house :-)

I wish you all good luck and take care of you. Not just in the game but mainly in real life...

Some other important words
The following data is stored here and required to use the site:
Guild TAG
Guild Name
The player name, player ID and language are saved in a session in order to be able to use the site.
After logging out this session will be destroyed and deleted.
The web server also saves the Visitors IP Address in its Logfile. This is used to detect any errors and/or attacks from outside and to block them.
This log file is deleted at regular intervals.

Same in German :
Folgende Daten werden hier gespeichert und für die Nutzung der Seite benötigt :
Davon wird der Spielername, die Spieler ID, die Sprache in einer Session gespeichert um die Seite nutzen zu können.
Nachdem Ausloggen wird diese Session zerstört und gelöscht.
Der Webserver speichert zusätzlich die IP Adresse des Besuchers in seinem Logfile. Dies dient dazu um etwaige Fehler und / oder Angriffe von aussen zu erkennen und diese zu blocken.
Dieses Logfile wird in regelmäßigen Abständen gelöscht.
Mit Registrierung eines Spieleraccounts erkennst Du dies an.
By registering a Player Account you acknowledge this.
This Site is optimized for PC Displays. We are working on a good ViewPort for Tablet and Handy Display. In the Meanwhile please use a PC here. Thank You ! Best Resolution 1920x1080


Dauer der Skriptausführung : 0.00490403175354 Sek.
Style is based on a MyBB Theme from © iAndrew 2016   Script HotD Database 1.0.8ß is © by SkullCollector and Hikiko